
Tell Congress to Fight Inequality

With new leadership in Congress—and a new president about to take office—we cannot back down from their inequality-exploding agenda.

Oxfam has identified five critical issues that will define the months ahead: fair taxation, foreign aid, a ceasefire in Gaza, climate justice, and U.S. global leadership.

Send a message to your members of Congress about what’s at stake—and demand action on these urgent issues in the months ahead.


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Message to the U.S. House and Senate:

I am writing because I am extremely concerned that the world is more unequal today than it has been in a century. The economy doesn’t work for ordinary families like mine. For too long, the ultra-rich few and corporations have rigged the system to bend the rules in favor of themselves, leaving the rest of us behind, struggling to make ends meet, deepening inequalities across class, race, and gender. While billionaires prosper, the rest of us compete for an ever-shrinking slice of the pie.

The reality for many people across America and the world is bleak: poverty wages; dangerous and degrading working conditions; tax rules that let the privileged few off the hook; a threadbare social safety net; and egregious and undemocratic levels of wealth concentration.

During the year ahead, I call on you to take urgent action to fight inequality in all its forms—including on these five key issues:

  • Taxes: We oppose tax cuts for the ultra-rich and big corporations and demand they pay their fair share to support investment in public services like child and elder care, paid leave, and workers’ rights.
  • Foreign aid: We call for robust humanitarian aid and funding for global food programs to support the world’s poorest people.
  • Middle East conflict: We demand a ceasefire in Gaza, the safe return of Israeli hostages, and safe access for humanitarian aid.
  • U.S. global leadership: Stop attempts to isolate the United States and pull our nation out of critical global efforts to solve the climate crisis and uphold peace, human rights, economic justice, and international law around the globe.
  • Climate: We demand our leaders safeguard our climate, air, and water—and ensure polluters pay their fair share to help communities most impacted by climate change.

I urge you to do everything possible to make our world more equal so that everyone can not just survive, but thrive.